STAGECRUSH | Meet the Team

Brandon J. Murray, Founder
CTO, Creative Director

Brandon has a BS in IT & Business Management and enjoys being dual-hatted and get his hands dirty on some code as well. The vision for Stagecrush has grown out of his two passions: tech entrepreneurship and finding new music. Brandon is the guy you'll find working on the Stagecrush site until 3am on most nights and weekends...hammering out the web interface until it's no less than flawless. He also enjoys studying up on all of the latest internet trends.
Justin Reinking, Co-founder
COO, Finance & Business Strategy

Justin has been playing drums and other instruments in different bands for almost two decades now, and is always looking for a new music-related project to be involved with. With a creative tilt and a ton of business and finance experience, he is an invaluable partner. He really gets fired up about amazing web design and pours his soul into the usability of all of the Stagecrush features. Justin is currently completing his MBA at INSEAD.
Josh Hiraheta, Co-founder
Engineer, DBA

Josh has an international business degree and has lived a split life between the USA and Germany. He helped build and deploy database system software for MLP insurance agents throughout Germany, The Netherlands, and Austria. He knows software, hardware, and telcom inside and out. He boasts ninja-level skills when it comes to disaster recovery, cloud "offsite" storage of data, and all of the emergency and COOP plans for the Stagecrush data.
Wanted: Programmer/Developer
Web, Mobile & Interactive

The Stagecrush team is looking to expand. Are you a talented web developer, looking for your next fun challenge? Stagecrush is seeking an outstanding programmer with skills in varied programming languages including .NET and PHP, as well as content management systems like Drupal, Wordpress, and Joomla. If you're interested, please send your CV/Resume to
A little background
What was the first album you ever bought? Or the first tape? Do you remember the first CD you bought? Most people have no problem remembering. It was an important step for all of us. Starting a collection of music, and building a relationship to it. Your catalog of records would speak volumes about you. And when you would meet someone new, you would flip through their collection of records or CDs knowing that you were going to quickly learn a lot about the person. A record collection was a source of pride, identity, and of course endless conversation.
Now let's look at how things are today. What was the first song you ever streamed? What was the first music video you ever watched on YouTube? What was the first song you played on Spotify or the first song you heard on Pandora? If you ask, most people will have no idea. Our relationship to music has changed. We no longer own records, we simply have access to them. While this change does have its upsides, it has negatively affected the relationship that we have with music. People no longer build their own collections of music, and this has impacted the corresponding connections we make, both with the music itself and with other people.
Stagecrush is the home for your online music collection. It's a place where you can easily store, share and listen to songs and music videos that you find from across the web. Link up with your friends to compare collections, discover new music and talk about the music you love. What does your collection say about you?
Currently, we are in early-beta phase. In other words: we're hard at work on building features and sorting out the kinks. But we want you (rather, need you) to hang out and poke around while we kick up some sawdust. PLAY with it, BEAT on it, and try to BREAK it. Then tell us everything you love about Stagecrush, the stuff you hate and even what you'd like for us to add. Tell us what you think! Your feedback is veeeerrrryyyy important to us! Thank you, and have an awesome time here!
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