Stagecrush is for Music...not cupcakes.


Stagecrush Bookmarklet

The Stagecrush bookmarklet lets you easily share music you find on websites and blogs. There are currently two ways to add music and one of them is the bookmarklet.  The other is by logging into your account and clicking the "+ Add Song" button.  However, to get the bookmarklet and/or learn more, check out our Bookmarklet page.  It's simple! All you have to do is drag it to your bookmarks bar and press it when you want to share music and we'll grab an image to display and even do our best to guess the Title and Description for you.  You can then add your own tags to help with sorting and filtering later.  This allows our search system to be more accurate with finding specific music descriptions like "live", "electronic" or even "Santigold".



Your Home Feed

Your home feed is a collection of music shares from other Stagecrush members and Stagecrush channels you follow. It's updated every time someone adds a new music share.  If you want to filter further, just perform a search or click on the genres link and browse for your favorite type of music. Music is much better shared.  Easily share your songs on facebook, twitter, or any of the other most popular social sites.



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(and friends like you)

All images & music are copyrighted by their respective authors.
Everything else © 2014

Made with ♥ in Heidelberg.
Enjoyed everywhere.