Theatron Olympiapark

Loc. in: Munich, Germany

Theatron Music Summer showcases the best of Munich's thriving live music scene, from cabaret to world music, classical and jazz. Over 100,000 spectators take their seats for the free outdoor concerts at the Theatron open-air theatre on the Olympic Lake.


Open-air fans can have a feeling of being on a lake stage in the Theatron. Located right next to the Olympic lake and bordering on the Coubertin-Platz, this stage is a further event centre in the Olympic Park. There is room for up to 5,000 visitors on the steps and bordering green areas.


The open-air concerts of the Theatron music summer in August have become legendary. The world's longest open-air festival (Guinness Book of Records) and individual events can be held here. The small lake stage with a diameter of 20 m provides a framework with a special atmosphere.


  • Street: Weinstrasse 6
  • City: Munich
  • State: Germany
  • Country: Germany


  • E-Mail: team@theatron.deThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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