
Knitting Factory Concert House

Spokane, WA

The Knitting Factory, also known as The Knit, is the premier concert venue in downtown Spokane. It is conveniently located right across the street from Hotel Ruby & Sapphire Lounge and just next door to the Bing Crosby Theater. Part of the large KFE which produces events and manages venues across the country, the Knitting Factory is often included on major tours. The Knit features a variety of local and nationally acclaimed artists and is always buzzing with new and exciting activity.

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Bing Crosby Theater

Spokane, WA

The Bing Crosby Theater, also known as the Met, is just across the street from Hotel Ruby in downtown Spokane. Originally opened in 1915 as The Clemmer Theatre, it was one of the first in the wave of "movie place tradition" theaters and remains one of only a handful still in existence. It was renamed in 2006 for the famous singer and Spokane native, Bing Crosby. The theater now features a variety of shows and artists.

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Gorge Amphitheatre

Spokane, WA

The Gorge Amphitheatre is a 20,000+ seat concert venue, located above the Columbia River in George, Washington. It offers lawn-terrace seating and concert-friendly weather. Administered by Live Nation, it is considered one of the premier and most scenic concert locations not just in North America, but the world.

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