B.B. King's Blues Club

New York, NY

B.B. King's Blues Club & Grill is the premier live music venue & restaurant in the heart of Times Square.

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Bottom of the Hill

San Francisco, CA

This indie-slash-punk rock club is a revered local institution with all the staples you'd expect: kitschy retro decor, sticker-smothered bathrooms, and nightly entertainment that ranges from loud-as-hell to what-the-hell-was-that. A smoker's patio in back offers a welcome respite from the crowds and noise inside, or, for another form of distraction, you can scope the old event calendars from years gone by and try to count how many musicians played this small stage before moving on to huge theaters or even arenas -- you'll run out of fingers before you run out of bands.

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Hal & Mal's

Jackson, MS

Everyone has heard of the proverbial "three ring circus", well Hal & Mal's literally has FOUR.

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Berlin, Germany

The SO36 club, is a famous music club on Oranienstrasse near Heinrichplatz in the district of Kreuzberg in Berlin, Germany.

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Bar East Ale House

New York, NY

Bar East Ale House brings micro brews and craft ales fresh from the brewery.

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Amoeba Music

San Francisco, CA

Come hear a band you should probably know about amidst thousands of CDs you should probably own at Amoeba's regular in-store concerts. A head-scratching variety of genres offers an awesome cross-section of today's music. Sound quality may suffer, but hey, such is indie rock.

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